Sunday, 1 March 2009

how will you think different this year?

You don’t want to  train your staff because it’s a waste of money if they leave?

What if you don’t train them and they decide to stay?

Don’t turn off your TV, don’t stop reading newspapers and don’t stop listening to the radio. Over the last year everyone has been saying “the doom and gloom is just in the media”. Well, with thousands of jobs being lost and company’s going bankrupt on a daily basis maybe we should admit we need to change our approach to retail?

Now I’m not here to solve any crisis - financial or otherwise! I’ll leave that that up to politicians, experts and people a lot smarter than I am. But what about a solution to our retail problems?

In December of last year I spoke to almost 100 retailers across the United Kingdom and what astounded me most was the 3 camps that they would fall into.

“What crisis? I’m up on last year!”

This retailer is one who is in charge of their own destiny. They invest in their people, in their brand and in their customers. This retailer will have more money than they can imagine when this recession ends.

“I’m going to wait and see what happens...”

Good strategy? Wait and see what happens all the way to the bank? How’s that working out for you two weeks into the new year? 

I worry about these retailers and hope they will survive 2009. But right now I think the liquidators are circling those who have two many brands and no brand identity. 

“I need to do something!”

Admitting it is the first step! These are the many retailers who are asking me to come in and help them coach their staff through smarter selling and more sophisticated clientelling.

So how are you going to iThink about things differently in 2009?