Wednesday, 3 June 2009

is your business insane?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results”.

Albert Einstein

There is one big problem with early or “overnight” success in business. It’s that we develop bad habits because we create superstitions regarding our early triumphs! “What did I do right? I should just keep doing that!”. Well, you’re right......and wrong.

One of my mentors once told me that “when times are good you don’t realise what you’re doing wrong”. And why would you? If my business is up 22% YTD then do I really care if I’m making a mistake along the way? I’d rather be wrong and rich, than right and poor!

But what happens when the world shifts its reality? What happens in a world where every week a business seems to going into administration or filing for bankruptcy? What happens when less people are walking through the door and the stores around you have “up to 75% off” signs in the window?

In those moments you need to do two things. You need to take a personal inventory of your past success and highlight what really made you money over the years. Then you need to adapt and evolve that entrepreneurial spirit that made you shine in sales and retail! Let that spirit flex its creative muscles and ask yourself, “What can I do differently? What more can I do? And where does the change begin?”. 

Sitting still and “riding the storm” - that will not work. We need to be aggressive and pushy. And no, not push towards our customers but demanding towards ourselves! It’s time to change our world! Break your business plan and re-build it! Train your staff! Even if it’s having a weekly meeting and talking about the sales process is better than nothing! Have a staff incentive daily for the person who sells the most items, the most expensive item or any random item! Take cash out of the till and give it to them then and there! Call every customer who bought a present in your store last Christmas and make sure they and the gift receiver are still delighted! And, for those who can’t do that because you don’t collect customer details......START! I guarantee you that the future of any sales business will not be the ability to serve customers but rather the talent to manage relationships.

It’s time to iThink about how to change your retail world and fight for success. Start today and I guarantee that 2009 will be far more fun than any year you’ve ever had before!

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