happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this
“You don’t need any help?”
- Opening line from Anonymous salesperson
Normally I like to pace out my blog entries but today something happened that I just had to share with you all.
Now, let me start off by saying that when it comes to home entertainment I’m a big fan of Sony product. I have a Sony Bravia LCD television, Sony surround system and Sony DVD player. I even have a Sony PS3 as my blu-ray player. I researched and like what I discovered about the product and I enjoy the brand. I am indeed a Sony fan!
Today I walked into a Sony Centre in the United Kingdom. (I won’t tell you which store exactly because that would be cruel). Now I had gone in with the intention of buying some new wires for my surround sound system - a fairly dull project that happened to coincide with a meeting I had nearby.
When I entered the store there were 2 other customers and 1 salesperson. I don’t know how long the other customers had been waiting but I was certainly happy to wait - it’s a home entertainment store after all!
While I was waiting I couldn’t help but watch one of the nearby televisions. I thought it was a very impressive set and I was happy to watch “Wall-E” that was playing! Then I saw the price. Now I won’t share the price with you but it was definitely within my budget and I started to weigh up the pro’s and con’s of buying it. Will my fiancee yell at me if I leave this store with a new TV? Do I deserve this new toy? Can I justify it?
And the answers were - no she wouldn’t, yes I do, and yes I can.
I actually surprised myself by how excited I got at the possibility I would have a nice shiny toy for the weekend! I just bought a new blu-ray movie and was eager to see what it would look like on this new, larger and more impressive screen than the one I have at home. Ask me to buy and you’ve got yourself a sale!
But no one did ask me to buy.
In fact, after 10 minutes no one had approached me or even acknowledged that I was in the store. And when an extra salesperson did finally appear, he approached the other couple first and his opening line was “You guys okay?”.
I swear to you that I honestly laughed out loud.
After 10 minutes (even more for these other customers who were there before me) this was his opening line? And that was the point I decided I didn’t need to get this TV. Not that I don’t deserve it or want it. I just don’t want it from this store. Why should I spend my money on a dreary in-store experience when, after a bit of searching, I can save myself a few hundred pounds by getting it cheaper online or somewhere else?
All this because a salesperson did a dozen things wrong and nothing right. Did he judge me by the way I was dressed? Or by my age? Or did he just not care? I don’t know about you, but it makes me angry when businesses complain that sales are down but are throwing away opportunities in their stores!!!!
I could have spent some money today but nobody wanted it.
Just came across this blog. I love it! I'm in the U.S. state of Wyoming managing a jewelry store.
ReplyDeleteWhile in college I went to the university bookstore to purchase a new Apple Computer. I waited, and waited and waited... I finally had to say "Who here would like to take my money?" Had there been another place to purchase, I certainly would have left.